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The Fate of Winter: A Conversation with Porter Fox

Porter Fox sits with arms crossed by a still body of water with a rolling hill behind him. He wears a small smile, and is relaxed.

Portrait credit: Sara Fox

Click this link to register for this virtual program, hosted on Zoom (required).

Raised on Mount Desert Island, Porter Fox, author of “The Last Winter,” looked forward to winter and the myriad of snow and ice-related outdoor sports that came with it. This love of winter has taken him around the globe, exploring and playing among snow encrusted peaks, frozen landscapes, and glacial valleys. During his travels, Fox began to notice that winter was changing.

In the northern regions Fox explores in his book, the changes are most drastic, with winter decreasing by a month.

The Historical Society’s Executive Director, Raney Bench, will moderate a conversation using questions from the public to understand how global trends in climate change taking place in the Northern Hemisphere are connected to changes happening locally.

“The Last Winter” book’s jacket states, “Porter Fox travels along the edge of the Northern Hemisphere’s snow line to track the scope of this drastic change, and how it will literally change everything - from rapid sea level rise, to fresh water scarcity for two billion people, to massive greenhouse gas emissions from thawing permafrost, and a half dozen climate tipping points that could very well spell the end of our world."

The Mount Desert Island Historical Society is offering this program free and open to the public by reservation as a virtual version of our annual Baked Bean Supper.

Copies of “The Last Winter” are available at Sherman’s Book Shop in Bar Harbor.

Click this link to register for this virtual program, hosted on Zoom (required).

Guests are encouraged to submit questions in advance, which can be done by emailing Raney Bench at, or by clicking below.

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