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Chebacco Chats: Jenna Jandreau on Lifesaving and the Establishment of the Coast Guard on MDI

Captain Franklin Leslie Stanley and his crew at the U.S. Life-saving Service Station, 1893. Courtesy of Southwest Harbor Public Library.

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Executive Director Raney Bench asked Jenna Jandreau to write about the history of the local Coast Guard for the 2023 edition of Chebacco. During this Chebacco Chat, Jenna will share images and stories from oral histories she stumbled upon while she was learning more about local lifesaving history.

Chebacco Chats, our weekly web series, features authors, historians, and others who study and celebrate history, the great place that is Mount Desert Island, and the way the island impacts the wider world.

Season Four considers the theme of this year’s Chebacco, “The Maritime Edition,” and welcomes Josh Smith, Tim Garrity, Bill Horner, Julia Gray, and more, to talk about their articles on embargo history, the Berwind mutiny, youth sailing, Cranberry Isles in the Age of Sail, etc. This season also welcomes special guests to explore additional topics, such as Carl Little, who will usher in National Poetry Month on April 6 by reading a selection of MDI poems.

Chebacco Chats are live on Zoom, and recordings are made available the week after they air.

Visit for a schedule of upcoming episodes, and links to past episodes.

March 2

Chebacco Chats: Josh Smith on "A Dark and Stormy Night”: Jefferson's Embargo in Frenchman Bay, 1807–1809

March 16

Chebacco Chats: Bill Horner on Youth Sailing on MDI