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Chebacco Chats: “The Stone Barn Farm” with Tim Garrity

The Paine family lived on what is today the Stone Barn Farm from the mid-nineteenth century until 1907.

MDI Historical Society collection.

Click here to join the Zoom webinar - it’s the same link every Thursday.

This Chebacco Chats episode dives into the history of the Stone Barn Farm, from the land’s glacial days, to the Paines and their farm, to the Shea brothers building the stone barn, plus so much more, including how this site is being stewarded for future generations.

Chebacco Chats, our weekly web series, features authors, historians, and others who study and celebrate history, the great place that is Mount Desert Island, and the way the island impacts the wider world.

Chebacco Chats are live on Zoom, and recordings are made available the week after they air.

Visit for the full schedule, and links to past episodes.

December 1

Chebacco Chats: “Net-Pen Salmon Farming in Maine: The Historical Context” with Natalie Springuel

December 15

Chebacco Chats: “Mount Desert Island’s Gilded Age of Yachting” with Bill Horner, M.D.